Thursday, February 26, 2009

1. Flicking Off George Stroumboulopoulos

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2. Here there is a sort of question, call it historical, of which we are only glimpsing today the conception, the formation, the gestation, the labor. I employ these words, I admit, with a glance toward the business of childbearing -- but also with a glance toward those who, in a company from which I do not exclude myself, turn their eyes away in the face of the as yet unnameable which is proclaiming itself and which can do so, as is necessary whenever a birth is in the offing, only under the species of the non-species, in the formless, mute, infant, and terrifying form of monstrosity.

- Derrida, the ending of Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences

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3. Il n'y a pas d'hors text. - Derrida
(Il n'y a pas d'hors d'oeuvres.)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

1. Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly encountered, given, and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.

- Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

1. The 1000 Journals Project

I've always been fascinated by what people scrawl on bathroom walls and in public spaces. I had been taking photographs of this writing for years, and wanted to put together a book. It seemed appropriate to encourage readers to become contributors, and join the conversation by writing in the actual book. From there, I decided that a blank book might be more fun... especially one that traveled around, to gather a variety of thoughts and opinions. And then, why not 1000 of them? It's such an absurd number.

The project officially launched in August of 2000, with the release of the first 100 journals in San Francisco. I gave them to friends, and left them at bars, cafes, and on park benches. Shortly thereafter, people began emailing me, asking if they could participate. So I started sending journals to folks, allowing them to share with friends, or strangers. It's been a roller coaster ever since.

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2. 1001 Journals - seems there are 2391 more journals here...

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3. This page is particularly neat:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1. Canada's Stonehenge: scientist says Alberta sun temple has 5,000-year-old calendar

An academic maverick is challenging conventional wisdom on Canada's prehistory by claiming an archeological site in southern Alberta is really a vast, open-air sun temple with a precise 5,000-year-old calendar predating England's Stonehenge and Egypt's pyramids.

Canada's Stonehenge website