Monday, June 2, 2008

Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

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Click the image to enlarge.
Tanya Tagaq and cousin Celina Kalluk practicing inuit throat singing.

Click to enlarge.
Other inuit throat singers.

Traditionally when the men were away on a hunting trip, the women left at home would entertain themselves with games, which may have involved throat singing.

Tanya ‘Tagaq’ Gillis was born and raised in the remote Inuit community of Cambridge Bay, Nunavut, where she had only passing exposure to throat singing. She left home for the city at the age of 15 to study visual arts but during her final year of art school she became increasingly homesick, and began teaching herself throat singing from tapes her mother sent her as a way of re-connecting with the Inuit culture she had left behind.

As Inuit throat singing is traditionally performed by two women — and Tagaq had no Inuk partner to sing with — she had to re-invent throat singing as a solo form.

In 2000, Tagaq attended the Great Northern Arts Festival in Canada to exhibit her paintings. When the organisers discovered they were short of performers, Tagaq agreed to sing. In the audience that day, filming the show, were two men from Iceland, who happened to be friends of Björk. Tagaq was invited to join Björk’s Vespertine tour in 2001.

[Tagaq] describes her evolution over the past six years as a process of going deeper and deeper into her performance to the point where she virtually “leaves her body” and lets the expression take over.


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Koto video

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