Wednesday, June 10, 2009

1. We understood time before it happened. After that, it fell to mediocre experiences. The falafel experiences, the cottonwood dreams -- we both fell short from all expectations, all hopes. We dreamed of a union but like a forked branch we only unite before we separated. Now we dowse for water, for under-surface rivers, tears and blood, the veins thrombosis of our rod, shivering in the pale moonlight.

I am hungry for you.

Our love transpires in diamonds; the alchemy reversed. Do you recall the night before it fell?

All the dreams have been dreamt, but you go on dreaming new ones. I am the witch-doctor kicking up a storm, entering myself whether it's cold or it's warm. I kick up the dust so I can better see.

Can you see?

Although I reverse the pain it doesn't feel better -- the opposite of pain is still pain, under different whispered names. I bathe in all sorts of sounds -- they engulf. I bake whatever you bring home. I'm as open as a café. Come, make a latte with me. We drink our beans and then get lost around the waist line. Your eyes are pools for little fish, for little drops like mine -- in I go and out you come, we swim as lovers only can.

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