Thursday, November 29, 2007

1.) An interesting cinema in Vancouver which I'd never heard of before today:
(also the only one in Vancouver/Victoria I've found that is showing I'm Not There)

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2.) One of my managers told me today that I had to watch out for Leap Year next year because women apparently propose often to men in the month of February. I responded that I would hide away at my desk but then be getting handed all these forms for proposals. I would then have to put them into a spreadsheet.

I blame this on the Ocean, which has been playing here over the radio for the past few weeks.

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3.) The Kent State shootings on May 4, 1970, 4 days after Nixon announced that the US had entered Cambodia, in which 4 students were killed by the National Guard in Ohio, 2 of whom were not involved in the anti-war protest.

The shootings led to protests on college campuses throughout the United States, and a student strike - causing over 450 campuses across the country to close with both violent and non-violent demonstrations. A common sentiment was expressed by students at New York University with a banner hung out of a window which read "They Can't Kill Us All."

Just five days after the shootings, 100,000 people demonstrated in Washington, D.C. against the war and the killing of unarmed student protesters. Ray Price, Nixon's chief speechwriter from 1969-74 recalled the Washington demonstrations saying, "The city was an armed camp. The mobs were smashing windows, slashing tires, dragging parked cars into intersections, even throwing bedsprings off overpasses into the traffic down below. This was the quote, student protest. That's not student protest, that’s civil war."

After the student protests, Nixon asked H. R. Haldeman to consider the Huston Plan, which would have used illegal procedures to gather information on the leaders of the anti-war movement. Only the resistance of J. Edgar Hoover stopped the plan.


1 comment:

slow low flying turkey said...

this is the best theatre in vancouver. it even has a balcony, if i remember correctly!